Our Wonder Vase measures up to 9 1/2" in height. Each vase starts out as flat as a piece of paper but when you add water it takes the shape of a vase and looks like an expensive piece of glassware.. Over 30 stock patterns available that can have your custom imprint or we can do a complete custom pattern and shape Wonder Vase for your needs. They will not leak, are super light weight and are colorful and attractive. Holiday, special ocassion and everyday patterns are available.Minimum order for the stock patterns with your custom imprint is 50.
We have prepared a 3 minute 7 second video with information on the Wonder Vase works.
For current pricing information you are invited to call us a 800 960-9080 or 206 285-5359 or email us at donace@promotionalproductsandideas.com